The End...

Well, in case you hadn't realized it just yet, I've more than a little forgotten about my blog.  I recently graduated (finally!), I've been working full time (for York's RED Zone) and I feel that this blog was so focused on a chapter of my life that has (with mixed emotions) come to an end.

That's not to say I haven't enjoyed it.  I learned a lot from this blog.  All of my experience and ideas for work came from this blog. Much to my surprise I even had some regular readers (not just my mom, though she really enjoys it.)  This blog opened me up to a new world and a new experience, and it's turned me on to new goals I am currently pursuing.

I would very much love to continue blogging at some point, but for now all of my time and energy is going into these next steps of my life, steps outside of university and (for the most part) away from York.

Wish me luck,
Claire <3

Let me Twitterfy!

In case you've never noticed, I love Twitter.  I've definitely talked about this before!  Twitter is a big part of my job and something I really like doing.  I like it so much that I was actually asked to help train some students at York University on how to use it!  That's really cool to me, especially because I wouldn't consider myself an expert or anything (just a huge fan.)

If you're not into Twitter I feel like you haven't properly experienced it.  Yes people post some really stupid things, and yes some people spam you, and yes some people write completely unintelligibly because you're limited to how much you can post at a time! But there are a lot of accounts out there posting valuable information and many companies using it as a way to connect with customers, and sometimes there are just some very funny, witty and intelligent people tweeting great things.

To help you get started, I'll let you take a look at the presentation I made about Twitter,  connect with me if you'd like some more info!  It's primarily directed at using Twitter for a club or organization (in my case student service departments) but it's got some good tips on getting yourself out there (if that's what you're looking for!) And definitely follow me when you start using it!

And the winners are....

*Drumroll please*.......

Natalia Toussaint and Alex Truong!!!

Congratulations!!  I had some other great entries but both Natalia and Alex scored perfect! Thanks to everyone who sent in answers! Here are the answers to my 'So You Think You Know YorkU' quiz.

So You Think You Know YorkU?

Monday, March 26th was York University's 53rd birthday!  In honour of the occasion I agreed to write a blog about the history of YorkU and what better way to tell you about York than with a pop quiz! Email your answers to by Friday and I'll give away a York T-Shirt to the best score!
Now let's see just how much you know about York...

The RSA Chronicles: Christina

So I know I said I wasn't blogging twice a week anymore because I'm so busy BUT I reeeeally wanted to write this blog.  RED Zone Student Ambassadors (RSA's) are some pretty awesome people and we all have some pretty cool stories.  I wanted to share the story of Christina, a former RSA (2008-2010).  Christina's RED Zone experience led her down an awesome path...

Don't You Know Who I Am?

When I was elected McLaughlin College Council President, my favourite phrase was 'don't you know who I am?'  I figured that since I had been so actively involved in my college and in my residence people would just recognize my greatness.  My bubble burst a little bit when I went to the Master's Office for the first time since the election and the receptionist called me "Eden", which, in case you hadn't realized it, is not even close to my name (which is Claire... how do you not know that yet?)  It was at this time that I realized it wasn't enough for me to just show up to events and smile and make sure things went smoothly.  I needed to meet and connect with people and let them know what I was about if I really wanted to make the most of my time.  I share this with you because it's almost summer which can mean one of two things: either you're looking for a summer job or you're getting ready to graduate and will need a real job. So let's talk about networking and promoting yourself...

Update on my life!

Alright so remember when I wrote my blog about balancing everything in my life and sometimes having to prioritize my assignments and stuff? Now is one of those times.  Work is getting really busy (we're organizing training for the summer RSA's!) and I'm thisclose to being done school (which means a millions essays and tests) so I'm cutting down my blogging to once a week.  I know you're disappointed and probably asking yourself if you can survive not reading my posts twice a week, but I'll be on twitter if you're going through withdrawals!  As a special Friday treat, here's a video I did for York, encouraging you to take summer classes!
(Feel free to make fun of me, I am by no means an actor)

Choose York this Summer from York University on Vimeo.