The RSA Chronicles: Christina

So I know I said I wasn't blogging twice a week anymore because I'm so busy BUT I reeeeally wanted to write this blog.  RED Zone Student Ambassadors (RSA's) are some pretty awesome people and we all have some pretty cool stories.  I wanted to share the story of Christina, a former RSA (2008-2010).  Christina's RED Zone experience led her down an awesome path...

Christina and I worked RED Zone together in the summer of 2008.  We had never met prior to RED Zone training, but by the end of the week we were best friends.  Christina has an irresistibly friendly personality.  I'm pretty sure she becomes best friends with everyone she meets which is why she was perfect for the RSA position! 

Christina and I were known for our lunchtime photo shoots.  We're pretty dorky.
So aside from being the friendliest person on the planet, Christina is also super smart.  She was an Earth & Atmospheric Science student (with certificates in Meteorology and Global Information Systems!) , affectionately known as EATS.  Now when people ask about the RSA position they want to know if we want people in specific major and I can honestly say your major does not matter and Christina is proof. I am a firm believer that any experience is good experience; there has got to be at least one transferable skill you build from any job.  RED Zone's skill is communication, which is an extremely valuable skill and one Christina excels in.
Christina and I also worked together on McLaughlin College Council: she was Secretary and I was President.  This is us during Frosh Week!
Christina worked for RED Zone for 2 summers and 1 winter term and she was a superstar RSA however the time came for her to graduate and move on to a career.  Being the awesome person she is, Christina applied for an internship with The Weather Network in Oakville.  After receiving a glowing recommendation from our former RED Zone supervisors she got the spot! Did I mention that she is bilingual? And so after yet another incredible recommendation from RED Zone combined with her experience at The Weather Network, she now works full time for Météo Média (aka The Weather Network en francais) and lives in Montreal! I visit a few times a year.
This is Christina's convocation ceremony! I got to watch her graduate!
So aside from wanting to write a blog about my best friend, I think Christina's story is really impressive. I mean, how many people do you know who work at the weather network!

Us in Montreal!

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