Introducing Your Potential RED Zone Student Ambassadors!

So as I'm sure you all know, the RED Zone has been going through the arduous process of assembling a crack team of students to welcome all of York's incoming students this summer.  In the past we've received over 400 applications for 3 positions!  This year, to help highlight the strengths we're looking for (and so I didn't have to go through 400 resumes again) we had applicants fight to the death! Just kidding, that's the Hunger Games (which I'm obsessed with.) We had our applicants show us that they could be as awesome and outgoing online as they were in person.  So without further ado, I present to you our tributes potential RED Zone Student Ambassadors!

Ammar is a second year Accounting student! 

Debora lives on campus and is involved with her residence council. Fun fact, she speaks 3 languages!

Jason - Jason is an undergraduate student and I really have no idea what he's studying but you should ask him!  He has been a Winter's College frosh leader with a love of photography and old school Pokemon (I'm totally with you).  Check out his blog:

Jeffrey - Is it Jeffrey or is it Jeff? Why don't you go find out!  Jeffrey is a Studio Art Major who enjoys basketball.  I think he's the next Fresh Prince of Bel Air (yes it's an inside joke, just another thing to ask him!)  Check out his blog:

Jen - Jen is an Environmental Studies major and we share a love of our cats! She's competing in the CN Tower Climb to save green sea turtles! Check her out:

Kelly - Kelly is a Glendon student! Glendon is York's founding campus, I think of it as Narnia, and the shuttle is the wardrobe.  I imagine Kelly can tell you tons more about it as she's been a Glendon ambassador! Check her out:

Leo - Leo is an international student and he lives and works in residence!  On top of working in res, Leo has also helped out at Fall/Spring campus days and we're now competing to see who can work in the most departments on campus.  Check out Leo:

Michelle - Michelle is a multiple threat!  A 3rd year student who has been active in both Stong and Vanier Colleges, Michelle loves photography and drawing! She's also the happiest person I've ever met.  Literally. Check out more from Michelle:

Natalia  - I actually sit beside Natalia at work (she's the elections review officer for student organizations) and she is hilarious.  Natalia is really into electronica/house/dubstep music (am I categorizing it right?)and she was president of Electronica Music Student's Association (EMSAY.) She's got some pretty funny stories, hopefully she'll post some:

Nicole -Nicole is a peer health educator and I'm pretty sure she can have a conversation with anyone about anything.  You've probably seen Nicole out on campus, and if you haven't look for her!  You can find her at health ed events! Learn more:

Or -Or started at York as an undecided major, and he learned how to really utilize campus services to help him get on the path he wanted to be on. If you want to know how to make this university work for you, check out Or:

Shahd -Like me, Shahd didn't adjust to University life right away but she found out how to make the most of her time here!

Tori - Tori is your go to girl for getting involved, I met her when she was just a frosh and she was probably more involved in her college than I was!  To top it off, she's also big on self care which totally enables her to be as involved as she is. Take some advice from Tori:

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